Control naming rules

Most of the controls we add to the UI file will automatically generate a corresponding pointer variable and a macro-defined integer value after being compiled.

Naming rules for control ID names and pointer variable names

The pointer variable name consists of three parts. Respectively fixed lowercase m as the prefix + ID name + Ptr as the end
Take the control whose ID property is Textview1 as an example


After compilation, the corresponding pointer variable name generated is mTextview1Ptr


The type of pointer variable depends on the type of control. The pointer types corresponding to each control are as follows:
The header files of each class can be found in the project jni/include folder.

Control name Class name

Control ID name and macro definition integer value naming rules

This macro definition represents the mapping relationship of controls in the UI file. The macro definition consists of three parts. They are composed of fixed uppercase ID, uppercase UI file name, and control ID property name.
Take the control whose ID property is Textview1 as an example


After compilation, the corresponding macro statement generated is #define ID_MAIN_TextView1 50001

[!Warning] Do not change the integer value of the macro definition at will, otherwise it will cause the program to be abnormal.

Explanation of associated functions automatically generated by the control

Some controls will automatically generate associated functions. The specific explanation of the associated functions generated by these controls is as follows :

[!Note] The XXXX in the function represents the control ID name. Please replace it yourself in the actual process

  • Button control

     static bool onButtonClick_XXXX(ZKButton *pButton) {
        return false;

    When the button is clicked, this function is called.

    • The parameter ZKButton *pButton is the pointer of the clicked button. A series of operations can be performed on the control through the member functions of the pointer. This pointer is the same object as the object pointed to by the global variable mXXXXPtr.
  • Edit Text control

    static void onEditTextChanged_XXXX(const std::string &text) {

    When the text in the input box changes, the system will automatically call this function.

    • The parameter std::string &text is the complete string in the current input box.
  • Seek Bar control

    static void onProgressChanged_XXXX(ZKSeekBar *pSeekBar, int progress) {

    When the current progress value of the Seek Bar changes, the system will automatically call this function.

    • Parameter ZKSeekBar *pSeekBar is the pointer of the Seek Bar control, and a series of operations can be performed on the control through the member functions of the pointer.
    • Parameter int progress is the progress value of the current Seek Bar.
  • Slide window control

    static void onSlideItemClick_XXXX(ZKSlideWindow *pSlideWindow, int index) {

    When you click an icon in the Slide window control, the system will automatically call this function.

    • Parameter ZKSlideWindow *pSlideWindow is the pointer of the Slide window control, and a series of operations can be performed on the control through the member functions of the pointer.
    • Parameter int index is the index value of the currently clicked icon. For example, a total of 10 icons are added to the Slide window, and the index value range is [0, 9]
  • List control

    The list control is the most complex control, it will create three associated functions. Although there are many functions, it is very easy to understand according to the following steps.

    1. First, if the system wants to draw a list control, it needs to know how many items it has. So there is the following correlation function

      static int getListItemCount_XXXX(const ZKListView *pListView) {
          return 0;
      • Parameter const ZKListView *pListView is the pointer of the List control, which points to the same object as the global variable mXXXXPtr.
      • Return value is an integer, which means how many items there are in the list, which can be defined according to your needs.
    2. After the system knows the number that needs to be drawn. But it is not enough. It also needs to know what content you display for each item. So with the following function, it will be called multiple times to let you set the display content of each item until each item is processed.

      static void obtainListItemData_XXXX(ZKListView *pListView,ZKListView::ZKListItem *pListItem, int index) {
      • Parameter ZKListView *pListView is the pointer of the List control, which points to the same object as the global variable mXXXXPtr.

      • Parameter ZKListView::ZKListItem *pListItem is the pointer of the list item, corresponding to the Item in the UI file

      • Parameter int index is the index value of pListItem in the entire list. It has a certain range,
        For example: The return value of the getListItemCount_XXXX function is 10, which means there are 10 items in the list, so the range of index is [0, 9],
        Combining pListItem and index, you can know where the set list item is in the entire list.

        In this function, you can set the display content of each item separately according to index.
        For example: The commented statement in the function means: each list item displays its corresponding index number.

    3. Similar to the button control, the list control also has a click event, but it judges which list item is currently clicked based on the index value.

      static void onListItemClick_XXXX(ZKListView *pListView, int index, int id) {
       //LOGD(" onListItemClick_ Listview1  !!!\n");

      When the list control is clicked, the system will calculate the index number of the list item, and will automatically call this function.

      • Parameter ZKListView *pListView is the pointer of the List control, which points to the same object as the global variable mXXXXPtr.

      • Parameter int index is the index value of the currently clicked list item in the entire List control

      • Parameter int id is the id of the currently clicked control. Note that this id is different from the ID name in the properties table.
        Its specific macros are defined in the corresponding Activity.h file. For example in mainActivity.h

        The function of this id parameter is that when there are multiple sub-items in the list item, it can be used to distinguish which sub-item is currently clicked.
        For example: As shown in the figure below, I added two list items to the list item, and added a picture decoration as a switch button. The property ID names are SubItem1 and SubItem2 respectively. When I click on SubItem1, by judging the equal relationship between the parameter id and ID_MAIN_SubItem1 and ID_MAIN_SubItem2, You can determine which switch was clicked.
        Specific code:

         static void onListItemClick_XXXX(ZKListView *pListView, int index, int id) {
           //LOGD(" onListItemClick_ Listview1  !!!\n");
           switch(id) {
           case ID_MAIN_SubItem1:
               //LOGD("Clicked the first subitem of item %d in the list", index);
           case ID_MAIN_SubItem2:
               //LOGD("Clicked the second subitem of item %d in the list", index);

Finally, we use a picture to summarize the rules between them:

Other controls and so on

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